Piercing gun or needle?

Why would someone choose to do their piercing with a needle and not a piercing gun? The piercing gun creates the hole by applying pressure. This means that the piercing is done directly with the earring pressing it instantly into the skin. 

The butterfly earing has a certain size, this results in pressing the skin and not letting the skin breath in order to heal properly. So inflammations and swellings inside the skin (bump) often may develop. In addition, the piercing gun is not sterilized, it is simply disinfected, this means that not all the germs that are probably present are killed, therefore there is a high possibility that the piercing will create inflammations and even transmit diseases (hepatitis, HIV, etc.) 

A needle on the other hand is a specially designed medical tool that is made to pierce the skin, is sterilized and disposable. The needle pierces with great detail and respect for the body. There is no instant pressure and it is completely friendly for the skin. After the piercing, the appropriate titanium jewelry is placed to reduce the possibility of allergies or irritation. All tools (tweezers, earrings, etc.) are completely sterilized before the process of the piercing. 

The initial piece of jewelry that is placed is quite large in case of swelling and therefore to allow the healing process to take place properly. A piercer has been properly trained and has received the necessary knowledge of anatomy, first aid, healing, wound care so that he can perform a piercing in the correct and healthy way. The piercing gun in most countries is already banned by law. 

We respect, love and take care of ourselves! Be careful of who you trust your body to!

Author: Piercings
My experience as a tattoo apprentice in Greece
2024-01-24 12:50:05

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